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a day at the fair

Well, I enthusiastically signed up for Big Cat's Emporium's Blogtoberfest and 4 days in and I'm terribly behind. As this month is my first year blogaversary, I thought it only fitting that I join the fun, so I'll try and keep up and post every day.

My excuse is valid however, today was our school fair, so the last few days have been full of midnight baking. I made 100 cupcakes last night - so satisfying.

During the week though, we had our share of kitchen disasters. The pastry in the apple pies fell apart, jam wouldn't set and then what a disaster my toffee apples were. Thanks for nothing Donna. I feared I'd lost my cooking mojo. Luckily, an experienced grandmother from a local orchard came and saved the day. Suffice to say, she'd never heard of Donna Hay.

I spent the day helping in a craft area for the little ones. We made ribbon sticks and kites, which came from Amber's fantastic site Kids Craft Weekly. And for the bigger kids, we had a cardboard and tape extravaganza as the kids made boats for a dry boat race held in the afternoon.

Too much sugar and too much fun. I'm looking forward to a quiet day in the garden tomorrow planting my new rhubarb plants. Bliss....


  1. Looks like a great day - full of all sorts of goodness.

    Donna doesn't come through with the goods. You're the second person in as many days to say that something important from DH flopped. My sisters are always talking about how her recipes are duds. At least she has good images.. There's always that I guess.

    Hooray for the grandmother to your rescue.

    Love this post.

  2. That looks like so much fun. I love fairs.

    Thanks for joining Blogtoberfest. It's kind of a fair for us crafty gals hey?

  3. I did work experience (in the edirorial dept) at donna hay. Yes the images are amazing...wonderful...hang-on-the-wall worthy but i agree with you, the recipes are usually a bit of a dud. Especially those fun kiddie treats that just look so great and so easy and turn out to be nightmares. Suffice to say, the marshmallow creatures i did for Che's party were from Donna - but you can't go wrong with mallows and sticks can you?!
