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Das Gras ist grün

Today some mammas got together for a bread baking session at a friend's farm. Our friend lives in such a lush green spot. This is her glorious back yard. Well, it's more of a paddock really isn't it?

We spent the morning in a big sunny kitchen talking about things that mammas do whilst watching the children play in the wide green spaces. The whole process of making bread - watching the ingredients come together, kneading and shaping the dough and the delicious aromas that waft throughout the house while baking is so very comforting.

More green goodness awaited at home in the letterbox with a beautiful package from love you big.

Then a lazy afternoon spent dreaming on the lush green grass.


  1. Looks like a pretty special day!

  2. BTW I've tagged you for a meme:

  3. Mmm love that backyard/paddock!

    I've made it 'Blogtoberfest Fave Friday' play along if you like...check out my post. xx

  4. So glad you liked the pack of goodies! Kate x
