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Blessed Autumn

My favourite time of year (does anyone really like February?). The valley is looking pale and dry and parched. But March is here. Hooray! Hopefully we're over the worst of the heat and can look forward to the autumn rains. And more harvesting in the garden.

Here is a funny patch. We are in the middle of landscaping this part of our garden. We want some retaining walls built when time and money allows. In the meantime, I planted things in this patch in attempt to keep the weeds down. And yes dear reader, it may look like a weedy mess, but actually, hidden amongst there, growing like crazy are pumpkins, potatoes, rocket, tomatoes and Italian parsley. There's also a huge strawberry patch and a tiny baby crab apple tree. I think it all comes together to create a beautiful delicious mess. We're looking forward to the autumn harvest.

Up the back, you can just make out the top of a tee pee. Because all the cool gardens have a tee pee don't they?


  1. I knew my garden is missing something... It looks wonderful.

  2. it looks perfect & reminds me of growing up on the farm....we had 2 great big 'paddocks' attached to the pig pen & when one was not in use it was a mass of pumpkin vines (with a smattering of everything else that had self seeded!)

    Yes all cool gardens should have a tee pee!

  3. That is one cool, stunningly green garden. It looks very impressive from our end where it's been very dry and dusty for months.

  4. Blessed Autumn indeed - my favourite season in both hemispheres. please save me some acorns when they fall

  5. all good gardens should truly have a tee pee:)
    it is beautiful!
    and agree with the february thought...i adore autumn and march 1st always seems to bring a change to the air!
    thanks for the hugs in your last comment~ all is well with my doggy, he is hobbling and bandaged but wagging his tail and keeping my toes warm again:)
    x ashley
