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Magical March - shopping

More March magic. March is shopping time. Each year, I eagerly await the catalogue to be released. I know what I want. I've been planning for a few months now. How will it look? Where will I put it? Will it fit?

Here's my shopping list;
1 x Pomme de Neige
1 x Fenouillet Gris
1 x Esopus Spitzenburg
1 x Court Pendu Plat
1 x Calville Blanc d'Hiver
1 x Catshead
1 x Van de Man

My order will arrive in the mail sometime in June. Which gives me time to get everything ready. Can you guess I'm talking apples trees? Aren't their names just beautiful? Beats a Jonathan any day. These are lovely old French varieties, some dating back to the 1600s, some even to Roman times. My own French antique collection for the garden!

If you want some March apple magic yourself, get over here and have a browse. They have an incredible collection available. They're lovely, gorgeous folk and mail Australia wide. And the website has loads of tips for easy espaliering.
You see, despite our house being 100 years old on an acre of land, there wasn't a fruit tree on the place when we arrived. So each year I buy a few more trees so eventually, I'll be to give away baskets of fruit like this one here, that a friend delivered to me recently. And that really will be magical.


  1. Oh how wonderful, we don't have the space for such an apple collection, however I do plan to espalier my unknown apple tree soon (it was labeled as a winter cole pear!)

    Our neighbours have a yard full of neglected apple trees (all once carefully maintained on their trellises according to another neighbour). They are slowly pulling them out so I'll get some cuttings and the equipment from them. Until then we are the only ones in the neighbourhood to eat them!

    Love the names of the varieties!

  2. One of my all-time favourite posts. How romantic! I love all the names of the apples - I never knew such names existed - Catshead!

    I love your plans for your very own orchard, and I love your list.

    This is absolutely magic to the max.

  3. i am totally jealous. please please please post pics of their arrival and planting in June? btw - still waiting on pics of tyour existing trees :) i now feel like i've got the hang of growing veggies, and want to move to fruit but am so daunted. we are going to an open garden this weekend which is permaculture fruit/veg within an acre of land. can't wait and hope to copy.

  4. Magical all right.... i so wish apples grew up here like they do down there. You have the perfect climate for all those beautiful trees with their wonderful names.
    I'll have to settle for our tamarillos, custard apples, limes,lemons, and paw paw which are in our back garden, until we may move one day (somewhere cooler).

  5. wow Michelle - please show photo's of them planted. I am still planning on coming on down sometime. You have to promise to put me to work.

  6. Oh MOTH will love these to add to his fruit collection & those names are divine. We already have a lovely crop of Tassie Pink-Eye spuds coming on, how he gets the seed potato is a State secret! Thanks Michelle for the buying tip.
    Millie ^_^

  7. I'd love to have an apple tree. A whole orchard of fruit would be just magical!

  8. you inspire me:)
    i cant wait to plant some fruit trees...they dont fare too well where i am right now!
    the french names make it even more inspiring~ yum!
    x ashley
