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Magical March - tomatoes


Tomatoes. I love them.  Which is why I planted 30 little seedlings around the garden. And another 70 odd plants at a friends farm.  We had a dream.  To bottle all our tomatoes for sauce. Have a big sauce cook off, a Tomato Day, a bit of tintarella di luna  in the back yard.

Well, the weather had different ideas. A generally mild summer has meant that that it's been a pretty bad year for the tomato.  And this here precious golden orb is the very first one we picked today.  Here's hoping for a warm mild autumn, otherwise, it's green tomato pickle all round.  Which doesn't have the same la bella vita ring about it really. Never mind, there's always next year.  

But the taste of that little cherry tom? Magico!  


  1. What a shame about your tomatoes.
    My tomatoes didn't go to well this season either.

  2. This season has produced mixed feelings in our house...I'm the only one who eats fresh tomatoes at our place, so everyone else is not bothered by my garden overflowing with green tom's & the cleared window sill still waiting!

    The amount I've been getting has just been enough for me so there will be limited bottling at our place this year, hope you get a better crop!
