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Day three :: from the garden

French breakfast radishes. These are really fast and easy to grow and you can plant them anytime of year. I bought the seeds from here. I grow mine by the back door, ready for snacking at a moments notice. They are really mild, not at all like the red radishes and delicious sliced thinly and served with plenty of butter and salt on bread.

from the kitchen :: from the garden :: from the valley.
My theme for this month's Blogtoberfest :: a post a day in October.


  1. I love radishes....they grow like they are on speed!!

  2. they really are the best thing to grow as they have a turnaround time from seed to picking of 3 weeks. We sell masses of them and I can never believe people don't grow them themselves.

  3. My father used to eat these all summer...and I always found it strange, and thought it was just one of those weird "dad" things. :) looks so delicious in your photos that I may have to give it a whirl!

  4. They look delicious. I love the more delicate flavor of these French radishes.

  5. gorgeous shot of the radishes
