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Tasmania's table

Super fun day yesterday. Cooking and styling for a photo shoot for a book cover. The book,Tasmania's Table highlights the amazing producers, chefs and providores around the state. It was a long day but so much fun. But of course, the best part was eating all the delicious food at the end!


  1. wow. that's ace. what a fabulous and delicious day. just lovely. xx

  2. This looks so wonderful and I am sooo hungry now :) I've just come from visiting Selina's Vintage blog and she has featured food too... Must not snack before dinner... ;) K

  3. Sounds like a great day. Not fair though, we are constantly sending produce of for photo shoots and never get to eat the fancy end results.

  4. Oh....that oven!!!! I am married to a brick layer and he wont build me one!!.....I'll-a-keep working on him!!!

  5. Sounds like a great day. Will look forward to the launch

  6. Wow - quite a spread- it all looks so delicious, glad to hear you had fun preparing it all.
    How are the renovations going?

  7. Yum, and the table looks great. How exciting to be working on that!

  8. Wonderful to see some more Tasmanians contributing to the blogging community.

    Will tweet this so that others using other media can see some of the delicious and amazingly innovative people in our fab state.

    Good rowing Argonauts.
    Vicki Sauvage

  9. Looks very nice, fine and wonderful day. The food looks delicious. Can I have some? :D

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