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I love this photo. Elsa. Cupcake. Little hands. Lovely.


  1. Hi Michelle, we have 14 of those starter fences for our chooks and ducks and we love them and are about to by some more. We use the starter fences as opposed to the master fences as we need the smaller holes for the chicks and ducklings. We would definitely recommend them.
    Love Kate
    (Daylesford Organics)

  2. Hello Michelle!
    I saw your nice comment one my latest blog entry!
    I have been a little out of touch in the blogsphere for a little while. I am trying to launch a Etsy shop. And it required more planning that i thought...!
    But i think I should be able to catch up with the blog mamas i like with their weekly [or daily for some!] dose of humour and emotion.
    A bientot!!!

    [That cake looks very tempting!]


  3. Cup cakes in good hands. Chocolate love.

  4. Hiya Michelle, I've just stumbled across your completely gorgeous blog and am so glad I did (despite the fact that Elsa's cupcake looks so good it's one huge tease). Still I'm a glutton for punishment. Bookmark, bookmark, bookmark! ; )

  5. Very, very cute. Making me hungry too! YUM!
