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Saturday's Odd + Even Market was such a delight. I loved it. The venue, the stalls, the craft workshops, the music, everything. Hats off to Jess and Cat for organizing such a great day.
I had a crochet lesson with the lovely and v.e.r.y. patient Bec. Not sure I'm totally in touch with my inner granny. Ack. See exhibit A in the picture above. Bec's is the perfect grey heart and my attempt to make one is the lumpy pink knot. She made the box too. Clever. And there's some cute mini bunting from Catherine. Love it too. (However, I. can. not. get. this. picture. to turn around and do not love that.)
I also picked up this adorable skirt from Lauren at Owlet. Which Elsa loves. I loved meeting Lauren, and that our truffles made her husband a bit teary! And I also loved catching up with other bloggy friends. Like the super nice Hazel, who delivered two these gorgeous Tasmanian botanical flips. I really love that.

Sadly, the truffles all sold. None left for me to eat. And fruity cupcakes like the vanilla with a lemony gooseberry filling and the strawberry filled one with white chocolate buttercream all sold out too. All in all, another cracking day at the market. You absolutely extremely gotta love that.


  1. you are so smart! i love love love the sound of those truffles...can you share how to make them for dunces like me? and those cupcakes look out of this world...dried smashed strawberries wow! wish we still lived in the same city. for many reasons but right now am desperate for your advice as am trying to choose a white paint for whole house interior. a gal who knows her antique white USA from her chalk usa would come in rather handy right now....xx

  2. Looks like an ace market. How cute is that mini bunting! Oh and Keltie, our whole house is painted in antique white USA and looks great, I love it, but I don't really love all the texta scribbles...x

  3. Your cupcakes look amazing! Congrats for such a successful outing. I love the little skirt. I am a sucker for denim and red.

  4. It was our pleasure- the cupcakes look gorgeous, as always. We really like this little market with the music and the cafe atmosphere. Will have to make sure we head to the next one.

  5. I'm so thrilled that Elsa liked the skirt!! We're still talking about the truffles here. Look forward to seeing you again next Market! x

  6. Sounds like the perfect day, oh except for the bit about no leftovers to take home for you. keep trying with the crochet, one day it just clicks. X

  7. Not even a crumb to put in the post? Not surprised they were all grabbed up!

  8. Your gooseberry cupcake was quite the loveliest little mouth surprise I have had since childhood Michelle!
