Hooray! A new game over at Pip's place. I should be hanging the washing out but, here is a welcome distraction. Why don't you head over there and play along too?
- Sweet or Savoury? Both! I like savoury in the morning and sweet in the afternoon.
- Dresses or Jeans? Skirts actually.
- House or Apartment? Oh a house please. Although an apartment in Paris would be nice!
- Shop Online or Offline? I do a lot of shopping online, books, clothes, music and a weekly organic grocery shop that gets home delivered.
- DVDs or Downloads? DVDs, haven't worked out how to download yet.
- Cocktails or Juice? Juice, fresh orange is my favourite.
- Chocolate or Strawberry? Probably chocolate
- Laptop or PC? Laptop - I love my MacBook.
- Magazines or Newspapers? Terrible magazine junkie, ever since I was teenager reading Smash Hits and No 1. These days I love Inside Out, Gourmet Traveller and Organic Gardener.
- Facebook or Twitter? I use both, too much really.
- CDs or MP3s? MP3s I love being able to buy an album immediately, don't know if my credit card does though!
- Kids or Pets? I have both and wouldn't be without either.
- Macaron or Cupcakes? I can't say no to a cupcake.
- Walk or Run? Walking nowadays, I used to run a lot before children though.
- Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out? Breakfast out, I don't have enough pillows to prop myself up to eat breakfast in bed.
- Market or Supermarket? I try never to go the supermarket, I like markets and little grocery stores.
- Sourdough or Grainy? Bread is my favourite food and I'll take either as long it's well made.
- Heels or Flats? I'll be in flats until Blundstone start making heels.
- Late nights or Not? I would like to get to bed earlier than I do, but see number 10
- Coffee or Tea? Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon.
Right, that laundry's not going to dry itself. Back to work.
Much more fun than the laundry right?