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Our day on film

We had a photo shoot at our house today for Country Style magazine. Yes we did. I loved watching the ace photographer work. He used real film. And real polaroids! Old school.

I spent the day with the peeps and they played and helped me bake cakes and generally had a relaxing day at home while someone photographed them. Pretty much a regular day for them, except somebody else snapping away instead of me. Even Mabel got in on the action and was a model pup.

It was a lot of work getting the house and garden ship shape. But it did mean the old girl received a much needed spring clean (um, the house not me) and now is lovely and tidy. I can't imagine it will stay that way for long though. I look forward to seeing our house in print, because it means I'll have proof that the house was actually dusted once.

Here's our kitchen :: finished for now. Few more things to finish off, but for now, it is done. Woo Hoo!


  1. Your new kitchen looks fantastic. You must be feeling very pleased. How fun to be in Country Style too. Did you get to do your own styling? I always wonder if it is the owners or the mag people who present the rooms so beautifully.

  2. Yay! That is so exciting! I am so looking forward to seeing it.
    We're doing the CS thing later this month, but I plan to keep them outside away from my texta decorated walls and banana smeared carpets. Ah, why can't life be as glamerous and clean as your magazine shoot dusted house?

  3. Looks great Shell, well done and looking forward to C.S. article

  4. How wonderful.
    I can't wait to see the article.

    Felicity x

  5. Wow, well done guys, the kitchen looks fab and practical too.
    Yesterday must have been so much fun. Rob wanted to know "what if you don't like the way they "style" your home?"! I share the magazine with Mum so can't wait to see your lovely home in it!

  6. your kitchen is seriously favourite magazine - looking forward to reading your article!

  7. How exciting. I can't wait to see the article. Your kitchen looks amazing! You must be very happy.

  8. That's so so exciting Michelle! I can't wait to see it, and your new kitchen looks perfect, I'd seriously love a kitchen like that : )

  9. How fab! Love the kitchen it looks fantastic and then some. Can't wait to see Country Style - my favourite mag - with my favourite Tasmanians! WOOT !

  10. you have a lovely home with such a cosy wonder you have been chosen to feature in my fav all time mag...well done...massive effort to prepare but a real sense of satisfaction I'm sure. Well done.

  11. You always have been my e-version of country style. a fix of gorgeous country house and life in between issues.

    can't wait to see it . . . and be able to say i know her, all name dropping like!

  12. CS have chosen wisely Michelle.
    Millie ^_^

  13. wow!This is such a good and well organized kitchen. Maybe someday i could visit your house and cook in your unique kitchen.

  14. wow wow wow . . . very exciting!!
