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...was a glorious day.

Time for some down after the hectic past few weeks.
With a pile of new library books and a basket packed with snacks, a picnic rug and cushions, we headed off to the tree house and got comfy under the flowering virgila tree.
We read stories, ate ginger nuts and drank blackcurrant tea.

Hugo took some snaps.

It's the simple things that bring the most pleasure.

Today is very windy and I think most of the blossoms have blown away. I'm grateful we had the chance to enjoy them yesterday.

Photos by Hugo.


  1. some days are just so effortlessly wonderful aren't they... yours looks perfect.

  2. Lovely shots Hugo.

    Wasn't it a perfect day, I find I appreciate those days more since I moved to Tasmania (you never know what you will get the following day)

  3. Sounds like the most perfect day to me:)

    I wish we had a treehouse in the back yard
