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Berry nice

After one hour's picking, ahem

Sometimes, especially during these long summer days, I have to pinch myself to prove that life isn't a dream.  Yesterday was one of those dreamy days, with an invitation to a friend's farm to pick raspberries and red currants.  The peeps ran around the massive berry patch, well a berry field really, with ruby stained lips playing with their friends, whilst mama picked kilo after kilo of sweet juicy fruit.

For me, a kitchen full of freshly picked berries is my idea heaven. I've made red currant jelly, raspberry muffins, raspberry ice cream and still there is more fruit left.

This afternoon we're going back to the farm to camp by the riverside. More good times.  Hope you're having an excellent summer too.


  1. Sounds completely perfect to me! All those currents, beautiful! is it a private farm? I've been wanting to get some myself. Hope you have a great time camping.

  2. Oh that fruit looks so good we picked or should I say hubby picked all our gooseberrys yesterday ready to be preserved ( we are in Ridgley)

  3. Yep, its pretty much berry madness here at the moment too. As I write this the ice cream maker is churning raspberry icecream and the pot on the stove is softening strawberries for jam. Its a happy and sticky time. Have a fun afternoon.

  4. I am so envious - those berries look SO yummy. Heaven!

  5. Sounds like a perfect summers day... Would love to sample your berry goodies, they sound so mouth watering.
    We go berry picking every second Christmas with my Husbands family out at Stanley in Victoria at the most amazing berry farm...BUT this year we all had a vomiting bug & Boohoo missed out. Hey, after reading your post I felt like I had been anyway. Thanks for sharing.

  6. So jealous. Last year during the storms a great big pine tree got uprooted and amongst other things wiped out our berry patch :C Enjoy the berries, they look delicious.

  7. Yum. They look so delicious, especially the currants. Enjoy.

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  9. Sounds like such an idyllic day.

    I would love to live in the country...a girl can but dream :)


  10. Those berries look so delicious!
    I made a raspberry clafouti last night. It is a type of custardy pudding with berries. you can use any type of berry.
    I'll be posting about it with the recipe shortly on my blog in the next day or so.

  11. I REALLY want to go berry picking, but we are too far away from anywhere close. Oh! But this could be another reason to add to the list of 'why we should visit Tasmania'. Yes, I will add that one down now.

  12. I think all of your photographs on this blog are amazing. If you had five top tips for a beginner photographer - what would they be?

  13. Total Heaven Michelle!
    Millie x

  14. oh yum yum YUM!

    I've added 'berries' to the list of things to want to grow lol

    enjoy ;)
