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Beautiful Sunday

The day started like any other Sunday.  Up at 5am to bake biscuits and toast walnuts before heading out into the garden at dawn to pick violets.  Then pack the car and head off at 7am to market. No breakfast in bed for me today, but a promise to do something special when I get home.

Seems a box of our cakes was a popular gift for mums in Hobart.  The market was one of our busiest yet, helped by a quick visit to the local ABC radio to chat to Chris Wisbey and Alastair Wise about cake and custard.  I was very excited to meet Alastair, least of all because I'm a big fan of his mum.  We chatted a little about cake and ate one Alastair's delicious Portuguese tarts before heading back to the market. Before leaving I did get Alastair to taste one of our cakes, I was hoping he'd say "I hate this", but he didn't say anything.  I wonder what he thought....

We returned to the stall and it was just about empty, lovely Kelly who was minding our stall said she'd been swamped with people buying up big as they'd heard us on the radio!  Talk about news travelling fast!

Time enough to barter some market bounty for a Sunday night feast before pack up. When I got home there was a collection of beautiful handmade cards and presents of heart shaped jam tarts, rose petal tea, beeswax hearts to hang in the window and two brand new books to read. Lucky me! We cleared the coffee table and decorated it with candles and flowers before eating the market spoils beside the fire.

A really beautiful Sunday, and not like any other Sunday after all.

Hope your Sunday was a beautiful one too. xx


  1. So much lovely food! Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. I'm also a big fan of Sally Wise and her books. My pantry shelves are full at the moment with preserves made from her recipes. Had no idea she had a famous son.

  2. Glad I got in before the rush! I loved the little cupcakes for the kids (mind you I ate a full-sized version for myself!)

  3. Such lovely images Michelle. One of these days I'm going to get myself to your part of the world, just for a taste of cake!


  4. Oh my, your posts have a habit of making me drool and this post is no exception. Sounds like a wonderful Sunday. Congratulations on the sales and radio talk. They all know a good thing when they see it!


  5. oh sounds like you had a wonderfully nourishing day. i just looked aup 'the dirty life' - and now i'll add it to my must-read book list x

  6. Sounds like a lovely Sunday, and what gorgeous gifts. Our cakes & choc chip biscuits were certainly a highlight of ours!!

  7. Sounds like a lovely Sunday to me. I love that you can trade goodies at the end of the market.

  8. Seems like you had a fabulous weekend! Enjoy dear! God Bless!

  9. Yum! That looks like an ideal supper spread. A lovely end to a busy day.

    I'm in the market for a new book so I'd love to hear your review of The Dirty Life. x

  10. I have recently found your blog thanks to Country Style. I spent many years growing up in the Huon...I had the best childhood there. Roaming free on my pony from sunrise to sunset...I am now addicited to looking at your blog. It makes me miss Tassie :-( but I am happy your family have found such a special place to grow. Once you are touched by Tassie it stays with you forever xx p.s that cheese platter looks AMAZING!!
