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Rainy days

I love rainy days.  Round here it's pouring.  I think the river will burst its banks and we'll be cut off from town. No matter. We're back from the library with a pile of books and we're nice and dry inside, cosying up just fine.

Yesterday we were so excited to be given an entire frame of honey from a friend's hive.  One day our friend is going to give us a hive of our very own.  I can't wait!  The frame is very heavy, and we should get over a kilo of honey.  We cut the top off the comb with a hot knife and let the honey drain into a bowl. It is very runny and quite delicious.

While we wait there's lots cups of tea and finger knitting.  Cute pups by the fire and a new nest of pie dishes. It's a pie kind of day. Shepherds pie and apple pie for dinner tonight me thinks.  Ahh rainy days. I love rainy days.


  1. Oh your pups are so cute together- ours aren't quite at the stage of snuggling eachother yet!
    That honey looks delicious, those pie dishes look just perfect for shepherds pie and apple crumble. Perfect rainy day food.

  2. Look at all that gorgeous honey. I'll bet that all ended with sticky little fingers and big smiles.
    I love rainy days too.

  3. Wow, fresh honey.. You cant beat that. I can't wait till we one day have our own hive too, until then its off to the Farmers Markets for our honey fix.

  4. Honey + pies... delish. Enjoy your day. gxo

  5. This rain is crazy!!

    The honey looks wonderful,
    the first image in particular is just Beautiful

  6. I am loving your rainy days too! Call me next time you're having rain and I'll head over to your cosy house!!

  7. I love: the smell of honey in it's combs. Thundershowers while sitting on the deck with a hot mug of tea. And warm doggie bodies sleeping on the floor and in the way.

  8. cosy winter goodness. perfect! and that honey....yum! a friend of ours recently started keeping bees and the sweetness of the honey is unbelievable. He even managed to created a camellia honey - no doubt the bees were feasting on camellias and the end product smelt and, funnily enough, tasted, like camellias. so good on fresh bread x

  9. I love rainy days too. Not raining here today, but it's our first real cold day this year - 13 degrees, not cold compared to Tasmanian standards.I love it! We are having a roast for dinner tonight, but yes, I too am thinking about hearty pies today. I love your tins.

    I am very jealous about that honey - Yummo! I'm trying to talk my cousin into getting some bees on her 5 acre farm. One day hopefully:)

  10. Oh my goodness - how lucky to be given a frame of honey, it looks delicious! As a fellow rainy day lover, it sounds as though you have a few wonderful days lined up. They certainly beat my exam study!

  11. Oh YUM!! We would love to get or adopt a hive one day - what a wonderful experience! I love thos enamel dishes too - nothing beats berry crumble or sponge top pudding in an enamel dish.

  12. those pie dishes would have us eating pies of all forms too. maybe some honey pie?...
    i love a few rainy days, here is rains for weeks, then the novelty wears thin and being locked inside is not as much fun, but the odd rainy day is bliss.
    x ashley

  13. The honey looks amazing! Thanks for sharing those photos.

  14. I envy your hive. Such beautiful shots of your honey!

  15. I just found your blog and fell in love with it immediately! Gorgeous photos and beautiful stories! I wish to visit Tasmania soon!

  16. I remember the days when my pop would bring home combs like filled with sweet was a rare treat :)
