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Right now

Goodness, what happened to August?  In fact, what happened to winter full stop? These past weeks have flown by and the unseasonal warm weather coupled with longer days has drawn us outside and probably into a false sense of security.   Spring!? Already?!  Woo hoo! But after several years in Tasmania, I know that it will get cold again.  There may even be more frosts lurking around the corner. I hope so anyway. I don't mind those beautiful frosty mornings.

Micro blogging has also distracted me from this space, Instagram and Pinterest are my new online loves.  So quick and easy.  A snap with my phone, select a gorgeous filter and we're done.  Instant.

But I do miss writing here and using my big camera.  Since my last post I celebrated a birthday with lovely friends around a bonfire.  Had a new window cut into a dark corner of the kitchen.  Helped my neighbour plant hundreds of blueberry plants. Enjoyed the last minute flurry of "winter" planting of only just still dormant trees in my own garden.   Hazelnuts, apricot, more apples and raspberry canes.  Just in the nick of time, as the tiny green buds are already shooting.

I've been enjoying selling our cakes at Salamanca on Saturday too.  I love that market. It's so vast, so big, and just has a crazy atmosphere I adore. We're lucky to be in such a great position.  Surrounded by long time stalls, many of them now run by the children of stallholders who started the market back in the 1970s.   The pie stall, the flower stall and the amazing coffee wagon, that not only does a roaring trade in jam doughnuts, but makes the most amazing coffee with milk from their own cows!  It tastes truly amazing.

Today, we're tackling the tiling around the hearth, more subway tiles, and later, black "slate" flagstones will be laid on the floor.  Then we'll take the dogs for a walk and prepare something quick and easy for dinner, using the goodies I picked from Harvest Feast, the stall next door to us.

Sundays. Family days. Right now.


  1. Love the last sentence of the post :)

    Happy sunny Sunday!

  2. We had such a wonderful time when we visited that market - I can totally understand why you love it.

  3. We were embracing the warmer weather too, but the temp has dropped again since. But blossoms just bursting out hint at spring. I bought the winter farm book and love to look through it. The photos are lovely and the recipes look very simple and delicious. I spotted your recipe too :)

  4. I love Salamanca market as well- it's probably one of the best in Aus I'd say (not that I've been to that many!). Pinterest is quite addictive- I'm loving your boards ;)
