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Happy, Happy Birthday

Today we celebrated Elsa's birthday with a huge stache bash.  A moustache party. With 16 guests it was the biggest children's party I've ever organised.  Hard work but lots of fun (wow those girls eat a lot!).  Elsa is wearing her lovely Miss Haidee dress that we gave her. We set up a photo booth, even Spoon got in on the action, although I"m not sure that he was that amused by the situation.  We played pin the moustache on Bert Reynolds, ate lots of cake and decorated our beautiful Killiecrankie tree.   And we danced to the Ting Tings. Over and over again. I love a good party.  Just wish I wasn't so busy and took more snaps.

Happy Birthday my lovely girl xx


  1. Happy, Happy birthday!! Enjoy your new room little one! xx m.

  2. Happy Birthday to you Elsa. What a beautiful birthday dress. x

  3. Happy Birthday! Looks like a fun party! Love the pin the mustache game. :)

  4. Happy Birthday Elsa! It looks like a magical party! :)

  5. What more could a little girl want than a party with a 70's pin the mo on burt reynolds game? So cool. Looks like a lot of fun! Kellie xx

  6. Happy Birthday Elsa! It looks like you had a wonderful day!

    Katie x

  7. Looks like a fun party. I love the pretty dress. Lucky little girl

  8. Awesome birthday party dear Elsa, hope you had the happiest of days.
    Love from Millie in the Adelaide Hills xx

  9. A moustache party, how fun! Pin the moustache on Bert Renynolds... hilarious! Although the best moustachioed man is actually Tom Selleck...

  10. Happy Birthday Elsa!
    I was telling Rob about Elsa's party, and he said "Elsa wouldn't know who Bert Reynolds is, you probably don't know!" I said proudly "yes I do, he married Liz Raylor twice." Rob laughed like a drain at me, pointing out that was Richard Burton, and he didn't have a Tache at all!
    Looks like a delightful day & a delicious cake, but 16?

  11. Great photos and happy birthday!!

  12. happy Birthday. The blue dress looks great! I like it.
