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A 'sort of' way to garden


If there is one thing I've been giving my garden plenty of this summer, it is neglect. A crippling bout of hay fever, coupled with a new job, has meant that really I haven't spent any time in the garden at all.  But you know what?  Despite my indifference, the vegetable patch is thriving.   The hard yakka of planting, mulching, weeding and feeding in early spring has meant that yes, whilst there's LOADS of weeds, there is also loads to eat.  Potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, basil, lettuces and chives are just some of the foods we're eating right now.   The tomatillos whilst not ready yet, are going nuts.   The apples trees are groaning with fruit and well, the blackberries are rambling and wild and sweet, if not painfully prickly.  Amazing! Imagine what I could do if I put some effort in!

The greenhouse, hasn't been a complete success, there are some tomatoes and chilies happily fruiting away in there, but the weeds are so tall and so vigorous that I can barely get inside.   Over the winter I'll have to start again, build some raised beds and fill them with clean soil.  Those pasture grasses that come up all over the garden (we're surrounded by cow paddocks), chosen to withstand heavy cattle grazing, love it in the green house and I'm no match for their tenacity.  But you know, we'll just keep going, and that's the secret to this gardening caper.   

I miss spending time in my garden, and I could certainly use some motivation, (like this Turkey's great post) along with a good dose of antihistamines to get me outside.  So today I splurged on two long-coveted books by one of my favourite writers.   Twelve hundred odd pages of inspiring gardening and kitchen prose, the first volume on vegetables, the second on fruit. I shall relish every page.  

Mmmm, my garden may to have to endure a little more neglect...


  1. There is nothing better than vegetables from the garden is there? Lovely photos. I have not seen these books...where have I been hiding?! Are they as beautiful as they look? I would really love a quick book review...they might have to go on my wishlist :)

  2. ditto on the book review. Good luck with the hayfever!
    lovely gleaning from the garden too, nice 'work' lol

  3. I haven't heard of these books either and would love a review when you've read them.
    I'd love to be out in the garden more too, isn't it always the way.
    Well happy eating to you, all the vegies and fruit sound delicious.

  4. I dont know my Garden loves a little bit of neglect.

  5. Im like you, a neglected garden but the same fruit and veggies growing well at my place too, but so many weeds to deal with. I need to get stuck into it so i can start with the winter vegies, im about to get the seeds going in the greenhouse. and then onto the garden beds, oh i dont want to think about that!

  6. How on earth can we look after our gardens when there's so much cooking and preserving of the produce to do?
    I was stirring away today musing on the wisdom of bottling summer but spending summer blottling.
    Odd. I hope you get feel oh so inspired to get out amongst yours soon though. xx

  7. It sounds like there is so much life in your garden, weeds included. You must have beautiful soil.

  8. Our poor little garden has been totally neglected over summer too and a lot of our stuff actually cooked on the plants during really hot days, but we've still got a bunch of tomatoes and some zucchini. We are vowing to do better next season!

    Katie x
