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All is calm...

Goodness, there are so many things going on at this time of year, I need to take a moment to stop and notice the quiet, beautiful, times around me.

This week, Hugo graduates from early childhood to early primary.  There will be a ceremony with capes and crowns and rose petals, and no doubt lots of tears from this mama.

Elsa turns TEN.  That, I find hard to believe. 

There is Christmas and the associated elving, oh and that market, so exciting.  Then there is garlic to harvest, late summer crops (still) waiting to be planted, a green house to irrigate.  We have lovely guests coming to stay this weekend too. 

In among the busy, the tinsel, the rush, I'm trying hard to remember to take a moment, to relish the quiet times, to notice the pretty and most importantly, to squeeze my not-so-little babies a little tighter.  

I hope you are finding some calm and bright in your world. 


  1. Lovely, soft, calm photos Michelle. It is a crazy time of the year isn't it, calm and bright is definitely something to thrive for x

  2. Beautiful photos and words. xx

  3. Love these Michelle! Happy Christmas :)

  4. Enjoy every moment of calm you can lay your hands on. Love to you and yours at Christmas time.
