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Restoration :: part 2 :: the food

The night before we left for camp, I googled "camp food" for some inspiration on what to take with us. I was a bit taken aback at the results :: suggestions of cup noodles, dried soup, instant coffee sachets and weetbix with UHT milk capsules left me shuddering.  I'd rather stay at home than eat that stuff thanks.  

The best part of camping for me is the food.   Sure, cook simple food, but I think you can still eat well without resorting to such extreme measures.  It still has to be real food.  And a little stove top coffee maker doesn't take up much room.  If I was short on space I'd ditch the tent before I ditch mine.

On this trip I also fancied a spot of fishing, but my vegetarian daughter put a stop to that idea.  So we stuck to foraging for some greens instead.   After getting advice from local friends (and borrowing a frypan, because I, ahem, left ours at home) we were given some tips on where to find samphire, a native coastal succulent. 

We picked a couple of handfuls, happy to have a chance to use my lovely new knife, a Christmas present from my love.  Back at camp kitchen, I simply soaked it in fresh water, then fried up some home grown potatoes and tossed through the samphire until it started to colour.  

It was totally delicious, and the crunchy salty samphire was a perfect contrast to the soft starchy potatoes.  I loved it and so did the peeps.  Real food that's easy to carry, easy to make and easy to eat.  Perfect camp food.

The next morning, with bacon and eggs for breakfast, there was one sneaky camp food trick that a friend told me about that I did indulge in with my coffee, I know it's not strictly real food, but it was only because the fresh milk had run out...


  1. Simple wholesome beach camping food.

  2. My kind of camping, the samphire looks so good! x

  3. it's all about balance, isn't it ;)

    Hope you enjoyed your camping.

  4. The samphire looks good. At first glance, I thought the condensed milk was a tube of toothpaste, which I thought an odd thing to put in coffee.

    1. Ha, yes toothpaste and coffee doesn't sound good, but the samphire was.

  5. I've never tried samphire - it does look really delicious though. Daft as I live on the coast and Hugh on the telly (River Cottage) forages for this kind of thing all the time. I really should be more adventurous.

    Nina x

  6. this is awesome and it looks so tasty. i am saving this is my memory bank for future camping adventures, seaside : ) love the coffee trick too!

  7. Ah the sweetened condensed milk with coffee - fabulous! Love the looks of your vegetarian feast up there too xx

  8. Ooh how LOVELY! I wish I lived in Tassie. We could eat condensed milk together and listen to the swishy sea... xx

  9. Samphire and spuds ... who'd a thought? We have it growing along the bay at the end of our street. Now i know how to use it in quick & family friendly manner. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Michelle camping rule No. 57- ALWAYS take a tube of condensed milk.

    (blog looks great!)
