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weekend in pictures

I've been having a play with my new camera lens - this one - which is a huge a proper photographers one, and the photos are amazing.  Here's our weekend in pictures, the first ones using my new lens. 


1. My favourite old shed, built right on the water.  I would love to live here.  It's like a giant houseboat.

2. Messy spring garden with lots of flowers, and a naughty chook that escaped from the pen.

3.  It's finally warm enough to cook outside and we gave the campfire a good work out. Here are Elsa's vegetarian "sausages" also known as grilled asparagus.  Sadly the other snags at the back cooked a bit too quickly. 

4.  I can't take enough photos of the lovely sage flowers growing by the back door, but this time I managed to capture a bee in flight! 

5. A new mobile phone for the children, they made it themselves and to be honest the coverage is pretty good for around here. 

6. Happy campers huddled around the barbie at Sunday's River's Table Event - the second in the series that was a bit of a wet and wild day but delicious nonetheless.  More photos here 

I hope your weekend was filled with good things too.  


  1. Lovely! congrats on your new lens! the photos look amazing (as usual!) xo

  2. A new lens = a new lease of life (at least, that's the way I think about it!!) I love the kids "mobile" phone - I remember wanting to make one of those when I was a kid :)

  3. I love your photos. You make me miss Tasmania, my homestate.
    I can tell by your photos, that you must live very close to where my Dad lived before he passed away. He also lived overlooking the river.
    It's a beautiful spot.

  4. oh, please can I come live with you! :) It's so beautiful there. I hear a new lens can open up a whole new set of eyes...

  5. Life looks good Michelle. I want that boathouse too! Love your asparagus and sausage BBQ. Sage is pretty stuff isn't it? I think your children's mobile phone in a great much simpler than the alternative x
