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watch me fly

Hugo is obsessed with planes, rockets and helicopters at the moment. One! two! three! four! sixteen! twelve! blast off!

So this morning I made him a pair of aeroplane wings out of a cardboard box. He flew around the yard at such a pace. So, so fast! So, so adorably cute!

Big sister also joined in on the aeronautical action with a pair of butterfly wings.

All that warp speed action, I need a break....


  1. Oh that looks like great fun...

  2. I love the crash helmet - too funny. It is always the simple stuff. My two are obsessed with rocking and singing in a bucket at the moment.

  3. wow, that looks fun. A little imagination sure can take you a long way!

  4. Looks like a lot of fun!..:)

  5. too adorable.
    have never seen an aeroplane wear a helmet before, but smart in case he takes off
