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Making, Stitching, Baking

Things are moving along nicely here at chez Hugo & Elsa. School finished today with a flurry of assemblies, concerts, beach trips and baking Christmas gifts - panforte for Elsa's teacher, again. We make it every year, although this year there isn't alot left to *ahem* give. It's too delicious!I've made soaps again too this year for presents, a white Marseilles, and a vanilla bean experiment, mmm not sure about that one, might keep that one for family I think...

Part one of the birthday celebrations are over - part two this Sunday. I bought this gem of a book which has beautiful ideas for celebrations, crafts, games and recipes. Gosh I love it. And so we're busy stitching and making and baking for the big day. Along with fitting in more crafty fun from here. Are you stitching along?
And while I know we probably should be spending more time outside, picking our lovely strawberries and planting my two new roses. I saw a massive snake in the garden today - and I think inside is best for a while....eek!
My goodness it felt good today to a cross a few things off that list - how's your list coming along?


  1. The soaps look SO appealing! And, goodness, stay clear of that giant snake. Eeks!

  2. Great little girl elf! I'm stitching aong and finished mine this week. Hope you get yours done by Christmas.
