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In the garden...

.....we've been very busy.
Building the brick oven.
Finishing new raised beds with gravel paths.
Watching lupins and poppies bloom.

And scoffing strawberries!


  1. Michelle, I'll be watching the progress of your Brick Oven very closely. MOTH wants to do one (only when the bathroom is finished mind you!). Russell Jeavons down at Willunga is the King of Brick Ovens, so MOTH wants to get his book & give it a go. Your garden looks a treat at the moment, well done!
    Millie ^_^

  2. Oh I'm jealous & then some! I desperately want a house of my own so that I can play with all of that good stuff, outdoor ovens, no dig gardens... bliss!!

  3. Wow - a brick oven!
    Great stuff!!!

  4. Did you have to show it ALL in one post?.......gee how jealous do you want me to GET!! ;)

  5. Hi Michelle, looks like you've got a great plan! Would love to access some of your windfall when it all come into fruition!

  6. Yuuuuum, how good are your strawberries, tres jealous.

  7. Oh I like the look of all of this. A feast to come!

  8. Love the garen beds! You have been busy. Well done. x

  9. Hope you are busy building the guest accomodation too

  10. So many great things just need those Christmas visitors to arrive to help fill those garden beds! You can pay them with pizza!

  11. i am so excited for you. a brick oven at home! i see some backyard pizza parties in your future.

    today in new york it is snowing but can you believe we are still eating raspberries off of our bushes?!

  12. Oooh a brick oven! Can't wait to see the finished product. We have plans for a cob oven...soon...soon. Your gardens look great!

  13. Congratulations on the quality of implementation and the documentation that
    Beautiful oven and superb work
    Bravo for your excellent work.
    I am studying the construction of a furnace in my garden.
    Could you tell me if you've used the regular or firebrick?
    What type of cement did you use to make the joints

  14. Bravo pour cet excellent travail.
    Je suis en train d'étudier la construction d'un four dans mon jardin.
    Pourriez-vous m'indiquer si vous avez utilisé de la brique réfractaire ou ordinaire ?
    Quel type de ciment avez-vous utilisé pour faire les joints

  15. It’s been three years since you built that brick oven. So, how many pizza parties have you had there? Well, I guess that’s countless! Hehe! Outdoor oven is great. This time, we’ll get serious in building our own brick oven. ;)

    Nohemi Tutterrow
