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Back from Bagdad

Just back from a two day shoot staying at the most beautiful Armytage House in Bagdad.

What a place.

I want to move there.

Picture if you will a converted barn set amongst the most delightful gardens, filled with groaning apple, quince, hazelnut and walnut trees.  The highlight for me however, and the setting for most of our work, was the rustic outdoor kitchen with a pizza oven and a massive brick hearth, all kitted out with a stylists dream of collectable vintage kitchenware. The theme of the shoot was cooking with fire, and I ate so much delicious food cooked on the hearth I thought would burst.

I've finally unpacked the car, taken some gorgeous kitchen props back to the lovely Tammy and now can relax and look at the photos.  Somedays I need to pinch myself because I get to do such amazing things.   If you love to cook and you ever visit Tasmania, you must visit Bagdad and stay with June & Gil.


  1. These photos are amazing! I've never actually stopped at Bagdad - it's always been the signal on the way to Hobart that there isn't too far to go now! Might have to rectify that one day!

  2. Oh my! That looks amazing, thanks for letting us know about it! (although the link is throwing up warnings - I searched via Stayz instead) Pity they are booked out the night we are going down or we would have stayed there for sure, oh well, next time :)

  3. Hello!, I'm new here at your lovely blog...discovered via Che & Fidel...just wondering what sort of camera you use to capture your beautiful moments?

    1. Hello Wholefood Mama, thanks for dropping in. I use the basic canon dslr, with a 50mm lens.


  4. Every time I read your blog Michelle I get more excited about visiting Tasmania. You have a beautiful way of describing these amazing places.

  5. Such beautiful captures! I am just dying to visit Tasmania, I hope I get to soon... x

  6. wow. LOL I thought you meant the o/s Bagdad :)
    Who knew there was one in Tas... or am I completely off track? (comp speed slow so can't load the link atm)

    I also one day want to see Tas

    Glad you enjoyed it :)

  7. Wow, wow, wow. MOTH's started talking about the moving to Tassie thing again. Something about a coastal vineyard on a slope with an oyster farm at the bottom!!
    Millie xx

  8. What a beautiful looking place to stay. I think another visit to Tasmania may just be on the cards this year.

  9. that kitchen-drool! would love to have a play in those surrounds!
    captured beautifully as always. x ashley

    1. just realised you still have my old blog {strawberrykisses} linked in your sidebar, sharing from this space now {} if you get a tick to update:) x

    2. Hi, just to let you know and anyone else reading that the Huonville CWA shop will be open on Thursday 5th April for easter treats

  10. WOW! We are planning a visit to Tassie later in the year. xxt
