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Magical March - frogs

Look what we found in the pumpkin patch! There were two of these tiny frogs sitting on adjacent leaves. Do you think I could get them to pose together? Not likely. Camera shy amphibians. Very magical.


  1. I LOVE frogs and this one is such a cutie.

  2. Oh so beautiful. I love this shot. How nice to think we share this place with so many wonderful little

  3. lady beatles and frogs mean you have a happy healthy garden - that is what my OMA tells me - and I think she is the wisest woman on the planet. so what an amazing garden you must have!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I love frogs too!
    I found a few in my garden last year but I haven't seen or heard any lately.

  5. Aww...that's the cutest little frog! Makes me think of when I was a little girl and I loved catching frogs near the dam. So sweet x
