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Plan B

Do you have a wish list of the type of homes you'd like to live in? Mine would be inner city terrace, weatherboard farmhouse, art-deco apartment, preferably in Paris, scandi barn-style house,  historic commercial building.  Never a brick veneer in the suburbs, I've done my time in those growing up. I've always fancied living in an old...

Titles are always the hardest.

I thought, given that, these are crazy times we are living in, and right now, after many, many (many) months, there finally seems to be some words swirling around my head just begging to get out.  And while I can sit, mindlessly scrolling on my phone and popping a short story onto instagram, I'm missing the long, comfortable pace of a blog...

A Proper Seed Cake Recipe

Today was a thoroughly lazy Sunday, a precious day spent at home, pottering about the kitchen reading books and drinking tea.  Soon my thoughts turn to cake, one that required not much effort, a plain and simple, no-nonsense kind of cake.  A cake with a soft tender crumb, brightly coloured yellow from proper eggs and organic...

We bought a farm

I often wonder how to tell people stuff about your life and dreams. How much of your life you should share. And most importantly, when to share.  Do you tell people from the start of your dream, and take them on a journey through the trials and struggles, and then, when you reach your goal you can all celebrate in the triumph. Or do you get...

Meet The Hungry Chook

Hello!  There's a lovely sense of quiet serenity here now that the kids are back at school. The only sound being the dog snoring as he dozes at my feet.   Now, cup of tea by my side, I can finally catch up on all my work emails and get some planning for the year done; workshops, photoshoots, farming, hosting a German exchange student,...