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I heart Bill

School holidays here in Tasmania - a lazy week of staying in our pyjamas til noon. Inspired by Amanda's birthday blog today - I just had to make a batch of cinnamon scrolls. A perfect school holiday activity with help from Demolition Man. I used Bill Granger's recipe from this book, one that I've always overlooked thinking it was too much effort. But these were pretty easy and soooo goood, warm from the oven...The house still smells of cinnamon.


  1. Oooh these look fab. I'm with you, this looks like a difficult recipe so one that I'd avoid, but now that you've roadtested it, maybe I'll give it a whirl.

    Were they a hit with the smalls?

  2. These look soooo good, I can just imagine the cinnamon smell. Good old bill he is brilliant!
