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Magical March - woolens

It's nice to get the winter woolies out of storage again now there's a chill in the air.  I love hand knitted  jumpers on the children.  They look so sweet. 

* cough* actually, Im just putting them away. Finally.  After a summer squashed at the bottom of the laundry basket. Washed just in time and smelling sweet of eucalyptus.  Domestic Goddess that I am.  Getting to the bottom of the hand washing basket - magic. 


  1. This is definitely something I do, but you're ahead of me, mine are still at the bottom of the washing basket.. EEK!

  2. These colours look so lovely and inviting. I love Autumn and planning for the winter.

  3. scrumptious pile of woolies there! I love me some handknitted goodness too:)

    I have an ironing basket which continues to offer surprises each time I go near it. In there I find clothes which I forgot existed!
