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Good things about winter :: moving on

This is almond blossom. From my wiry old tree. Sadly, it hasn't really produced anything more than a handful of nuts in the few years we've been here. However this year, we buried a dead wild rabbit underneath. I'm hoping for big things from that rabbit this year, well at least a decent crop of almonds.

There's still another 9 days or so left of winter. And already you can feel its icy hold fading. With the change in weather we've been spending some glorious days outside. Watching signs of new life everywhere. Spring blooms of jonquils, daffodils and snowdrops have arrived, along with the first of the blossoms.

Which is all well and good but I'm not ready to say goodbye to winter yet. Heck no. I haven't had enough evenings by the fire, hardly done any knitting, and most importantly, I haven't eaten any osso bucco. At all. This. Entire. Winter. Can you believe it?

So before I move on, I still have a few more things about winter to celebrate. Like, the lack of killer ants in the garden, lack of snakes in the long grass, lack of blowies in the house, lack of weeds gone to seed. Wearing favourite jumpers, scarves and gloves. Tights with boots. Little people in woolly gnome hats. Rosy cheeked walks in the mist. Coming home to the delicious comfort of hot chocolate, puddings and soup. Getting cozy.

I have a lot of hibernating to do in the next few days. Pass the shanks please.


  1. I agree, there are lots of things to love about winter.

  2. Those dam flys, I am so not looking forward to them!!! It must be a blossom day!! have a look over at my house. How could we not take photos of them? they are just the most beautiful thing!!

  3. Yes I agree - winter is to be celebrated, for it is fading fast... We're on our second day of 30 degree heat here in Brisbane and I'm not pleased! I'd forgotten about the ants! They'll be all through the house soon... and the flies! Oh dear... I love your photo, btw! Enjoy the last scraps of winter, I think it's too late here ;) K

  4. I totally agree about winter in Tassie. My logic is that you can always rug up more if you're cold, whereas in the heat it's way harder to get cooler. We have the perfect climate here I think. You can see and feel the differentiations in the seasons, which I love.
    Winter for me has all those attractions you list, and I can't think of a better place to be than sitting by a roaring, crackling fire eating a hearty soup with your own sourdough bread, woolly socks on, in Tassie (and the Huon in particular) in winter.

  5. Hey Michelle, Thanks for your note about the pants. I am so glad they are going well and you are super comfortable. Was the charcoal thread ok with work? I was really happy with how they turned out, it was subtle but I think essential. Thanks again!

  6. You forgot mozzies! No mozzies in winter either.

  7. I love Winter and I am so sorry to see her go so early. I linked to your post today too. :)

  8. Too true! This winter has been strangely short. I was going to make a granny square blanket this winter, perhaps I should make a start for next year!

  9. I agree with you 100%, are you listening to that Brisbane mid-winter heat wave??? More winter!

  10. I am all about the winter too, hence how a north qld girl ends up in Melbourne. The blow flies have just started to resurface around here.
