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Almost there

I'm so very happy with the kitchen so far. Just some grouting to do and then we are there. Almost.

Here is a tiny pretty bit. The rest is bedlam.


  1. Such a tease! I look forward to seeing it finished- you must be so excited it's nearly done!

  2. I visited, I scrolled, I loved! Im in!

  3. Looking good so far.... Love the tiles, hard to wait for the rest.

  4. We all need a little bits of pretty amongst the bedlam. It's looking fantastic.

  5. Looks like the perfect kitchen to me. I can't wait to see the rest!

  6. love the egg cup!! i can't wait to see the whole kitchen- it feels like it's been so long in the making!( can't imagine how you feel about it then!) xo m.

  7. oh i love the tiles Michelle, can't wait to see the rest I bet it is amazing!

  8. maybe thats the answer, clearing a tiny bit of my kitchen counter that i can stare at and feel organized!
    looks great, excited to see the final results, x ashley

  9. YAY! very exciting for you... I love these tiles, are you doing white or black grout? was thinking of using these too, with black grout. just another thing to add to the list for our on going renovation.
    Can't wait to see your finished space.
