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Wet patch

Monday morning, late summer. It's 10:30am and a chilly 8 degrees outside.  It's a grey, drizzly, rainy day, there is snow on the mountain and I'm seriously thinking about lighting a fire.  The teapot is full of hot tea and Hugo and I are still in our pjs :: a lucky day off from the morning school run.

Not that I'm complaining.  At all.  This is my kind of weather.  Although plans to get stuck into the garden today will be put on hold.  Which is a shame because I have a lot to do out there:
:: dig up my crop of pink fir apple potatoes - urgent, with all this rain, they will rot in the ground if I don't get them out pronto
:: feed this bed and sow some broccoli and kale seeds
:: layer two new raised beds with straw, compost, manure and top soil ready for planting winter picking greens
:: weed the paths, again.
:: search again for any signs of ripening tomatoes. Probably pointless.

Despite looking messy, the garden is quite productive at the moment, we're harvesting zucchinis, cucumbers, rhubarb, butter beans and black beans, perpetual spinach, ruby swiss chard, parsley and basil and potatoes.

But curses, once again this very mild summer has meant the tomatoes are very late, and now with this cold snap, they might not make it at all. Nothing for it but to build a greenhouse ready for the next growing season.

Actually we're planning quite a bit of work in the garden over the coming months, in an attempt to increase the food we grow at home. Along with the greenhouse, we've plans for a bigger chook run to increase our flock of girls, who are getting almost geriatric in egg production terms and a netted berry patch.

That's enough to keep us busy over the coming months.  If this rain ever stops.  No matter, the tea is still warm and I don't mind a lazy day indoors at all.


  1. All this sounds familiar and exciting! Gardens are fun aren't they, alot of work but I think the benefit is worth it. We can't wait to get the block garden in, but first we need to invest in some serious fencing to keep the wallabies out! And to tell the truth, a certain puppy!

  2. Oh I know. Cold fingers and oodles of spuds to dig, and I love pink fir apples! Don't give up on those tomatoes though, there's a couple of good months ahead. And a netted berry patch is high on my list this Winter. Enjoy the hot tea!

  3. This is my first year in Tasmania - my mother-in-law has promised me my tomatoes will ripen in March, but I'm tempted to just pick them now and make green tomato relish!

  4. I am today dreaming of moving to Tasmania, I came to your page to live vicariously.
    We too are getting so few actual tomatoes on our dozen plants, a very disappointing crop. Good luck with yours.

  5. We're freezing here in Daylesford too! What a weird season it has been. Your garden sounds and looks ace, and like you we have many jobs to catch up on as well. Hope you keep warm today, keep that kettle humming! xo

  6. Ha. I've had the same thoughts about a greenhouse as you. Up here on the hill only one tiny little tomato plant has survived, pointless keeping it really. Started too late, too cold. Fingers crossed for nicer weather next weekend so we can all get out in the garden!

  7. I'm hearing ya...i haven't had a tomato yet!!! And i had heaps to do int he garden this weekend...but nooooo.
    There is actual snow on MT Wellington!! Snow i tell February!!!!
    Your garden looks lovely and not the slightest bit messy too

  8. Your day sounds wonderful. So do your plans for the garden, especially the berries. The tomato story is very familiar. I'm about to give up and pull ours out.

  9. Like DuckEggBlue I'm living vicariously through your blog.
    I love the sounds of your garden happenings. Lots to do, but good lots to do.

  10. Where did you get those big wooden boxes or did you make them? Does it ruin the ground under neath of them? We're moving it to a home with a huge and derelict backyard but don't trust the earth in the ground- there are termite traps all over the place. xx m.

  11. oh it all looks and feels so inviting. the drizzle, the cold, the possible fire, the tea, the abundance of your vegie patch. You're doing a good job of growing your own. x

  12. Sounds lovely although here in Kalgoorlie WA I am wearing jeans and a jumper - in Februaury!!! - raining and cold.
    Just wondering whether you live near Rosebery? We are looking at buying a house and land there but am unable to find any body to ask what the town and/or area is like.


  13. reminder is good. am about to head out back and start turning a bed and laying another raised bed. we are boiling over in wa. my poor veggies are withered and weak. such a contrast!
    x ashley
