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I left that noisy room last week. No announcements, no pleas to keep in touch, I simply ghosted and quietly left forever.

At first, I did love being there. Enjoyed the discussions, the laughs, the company and connecting with family and friends. But over the years, things started to change. There was a sinister side; the snark, the nasty comments, the hideous news feed, all things that didn't sit well. Then there was the just plain wasting time, dwelling on what didn't really matter. But mostly, being there stopped me from being present. Present with my family, with my IRL friends, with my own thoughts.  I needed to make a clean break. So I've left for good.  And I don't even miss it. So long Facebook. Nice knowing you.

Anyway, I'm going to hang out here a bit more.  Like a long lost old friend, let's pick up where we left off shall we?  I may be a bit wobbly on my feet at first, but like Kate's lentil pancake, things will get better.  To celebrate, I've uploaded a new blogger template from super stylish  Gatto. Ain't it lovely?!

With more time, more head space and a shiny new blog, I feel all inspired to start writing again (I know, I know, I said that back in October) but it helps to have a brand new notebook to scribble in don't you think? A crisp new page to start afresh.  I'll be taking more photos, hanging out in the garden. It needs me, (as you can see above) and so do my kids.

So tell me, are you addicted to Facebook? Ever thought of quitting?


  1. It's always good to have a new notebook to scribble in though the first page is the hardest, as if it has to be something really good to overcome the newness. Love the new fresh look.
    I quit Facebook some time ago and haven't missed it one bit. I dip into twitter and instagram mainly because so many bloggers have forsaken their blogs but in essence, they're just time wasters. I hope that 2017 will see a renewed interest in blogging again.

  2. Welcome back :)
    I have never been active on fb, but insta can be a big time waster for me.

    On a technical note - the photo in this post is very pixelated for me (viewing on my laptop browser), although the header feed is showing fine.

    1. Thank you Miranda, I hope that's fixed now.

  3. Oh, the time-wasting! :( I loathe seeing my browsing history on a day when I've been continually seduced by it. But I can't imagine quitting, somehow it seems to have become the way to stay in the loop professionally even more than socially, in terms of what people are reading, debates on people's walls, invitations to events.

    1. That's totally true, but I'm bowing out of the loop. Which might be silly but we shall wait and see!

  4. So happy to have stepped outside the Noisy room too.
    Thanks always for being such an inspiration & such a great friend.
    I LOVE your new notebook! It's super lovely.

  5. I also quit Facebook, wasted too much time listening and seeing too much just Instagram for me full of inspirational people like yourself and finding a lovely community
    of real people here in the Huon Valley..

    1. So true Aaron, besides you've got a big garden to look after now!

  6. I dip in and out of FB. I think my longest stint without it was 3 months but I missed seeing my family & friends' photos and hearing what was going on in their lives. In the end I did a cull instead and unfollowed the pages that upset me and blocked the negative people from my newsfeed. I love your writing so I'm very much looking forward to more blog posts. Facebook's loss is our big win! :-)

    1. That's a good approach, and I do miss keeping up with friends and family, but I'm trying to make the effort to keep up with them in real life.

  7. Good for you! I have never been a sheep and remain wary of Facebook etc. You have to do what feels right for you! Very pretty photo, by the way...

    1. Thank you Jane! Yes happy not to be a sheep too!

  8. Hello Michelle, lovely to hear from you and I love your new look! I am still on FB although I have had one particularly unpleasant experience with it in the past (adult bullying is real unfortunately) Some of our school events and community groups use it as a major form of communication for better or worse. It can be so ridiculous though and such a black hole of negative time wasting. Happy blogging x

    1. Hi Jane, I'm so undisciplined, I wish I could only use Facebook for good but I can't. But I don't really miss it. xx

  9. Dear Michelle, This and "no more cats" have excited me! I look forward to reading more from you.
    After reading your beautiful book (which I can definitely say was my no.1 inspiration to begin looking for properties in the country, and now here we are!) I have avidly checked your blog every few days or weeks and have missed your posts and your sharing. I have also quit facebook this year, finding more time to connect with my animals, family and garden. Occasional blog checking is my only online pleasure now :)

  10. I too quit fb a long time ago. Sometimes i miss some of the groups but overall my mental health has been so much better since i left. I spend too much time on instagram now but that is where my favourite bloggers are mostly and they feel like my tribe. Im glad to see you back here.

  11. I too quit fb a long time ago. Sometimes i miss some of the groups but overall my mental health has been so much better since i left. I spend too much time on instagram now but that is where my favourite bloggers are mostly and they feel like my tribe. Im glad to see you back here.

  12. Aha! I missed you and thought I might find you here. That noisy room is much quieter and less personal these days, I've found, and I've been pondering a return to old-style blogging days. I miss those. My business and all the volunteer community groups keep me tied to Facebook somewhat but I'm certainly spending less time there. Yay for fresh new notebooks. xx

    1. I miss the old days of blogging too, but I think you and Oberon and the work that you do were the bright stars of my FB feed, I shall miss that too! x

  13. I haven't spent too much time on Facebook and have let my blog lapse, like you say to noisy and spending too much time not getting things done,

  14. I quit about 4 years ago for all the same reasons and did the exact same thing as you: I just disappeared.
    Life was instantly better.

  15. I left about 8 years ago and have never looked back. In the time since, I've had kids and moved across the world. I love that only the people I care about know where I am and what I do. Looking forward to reading more from you. I miss my island home and garden so it's nice to see snippets of others...

  16. Welcome back, I've never been on facebook, I've been tempted at times as my grown up kids are all on facebook, but I don't really trust it and as you said it is a time waster & not really productive. I have your book & really enjoy your blog, so am looking forward to hearing more from you.

  17. I feel like you've just burnt your facebook bra :) there is so much rubbish on it now but the events section and messenger are too handy... I envy your new found freedom and time :)

    1. Dani you can have messenger without fb. Hubby has never had fb but we use messenger to so we can have a family group chat to keep everyone up to date
