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On track

I feel an immense sense of achievement when I can say that to myself, I'm on track. I'm on track for December. On track for Christmas, on track for school holidays, on track for the garden.

Of course, I could be slightly more on track, if that's such a thing, (are you either on or off? Is there a midway point?) I could have more Christmas shopping done, sent off dozens of hand made cards, organised a school holiday vacation, heck I could have even put up a Christmas tree. Luckily there's still time to organise some of that.

However let's focus on what I have done shall we? And that is made a start on making gifts, made an advent calendar and filled it with treats, and planted a modest summer garden of cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchinis and beans that's well underway.  But most importantly, I've been there for my tired busy children who have a hectic schedule as the school year draws to a close.   That is as on track as I need to be.

As for making gifts, I'm going through a cordial stage at the moment, vinegary ones to be precise. While a pantry full of jam might languish on the shelf for a season or two, when it comes to homemade cordials, I can barely keep up with the demand. I like to sip a cordial of an evening maybe with a splash of gin, and while we all drink gallons of water, there is something quite refreshing after a hard slog in the garden to sip a homemade cordial in the shade.

Right now, we're on a shrub craze, an old fashioned cordial made with equal parts fruit, sugar and vinegar.  There's loads of recipes around on the web, but I'm loving the one from the Do Preserve book, made of Strawberry and Mint, which are both flourishing in the garden right now.

So I can add that to my on track list, and feel smug about my shrub, made from homegrown strawberries and mint from the garden.

How about you?  Are you on track?


  1. I am both on track & off. I am on track for presents but off track for food which is HIGHLY unlike me because food is always first & foremost in my books. But like you, I still have time. Time to bake biscuits, time to write a list of food that's needed for Christmas & then caravanning & time to shop for it. I feel like I'm still mentally in November but soon enough my head will catch up :)

    1. Oh good on you! I'm so glad you figured out how to fix comments! I wanted to thank your instagram message but thought as you're having a break you might not see it. Caravanning?! Lucky you!! xx

    2. I did because I missed being able to comment on some of my favourite blogs. And yes, an 8 hour drive followed by a week by the beach in our very old van. Can't wait to float in the ocean & read lots of books :) x

  2. I reckon that's all pretty on-track. Homemade cordials sound great. I've been brewing up herbal teas and adding lemon or orange, or both, and chilling them to drink following a good dig in the garden or as a refreshing alternative to water. I'm going through jugs of it.

    1. I love the sound of chilled herbal teas, that sounds very refreshing, but something I never remember to make ahead of time.

  3. All sounds good to me Michelle. Doesn't the school schedule get crazy? Enjoy those creative drinks! I am kind-of on track. A lot of Christmas baking has happened but not much else. It will fall into place...right? x

    1. Sounds like you're in the right place to me! x

  4. You sound like a star!! I am on and off ... I had big ideas to bake everyone I knew cookies and mince pies this week that quickly turned into midnight baking while still 27 degrees at night - on the plus side my apartment turned into a sauna so thats like a pre-christmas detox right?! :)

    Your garden always sounds so magical. My seedlings gave up.... shrivelled in the 27 degree night so think I'm going off to buy some from bunnings and cheat... I just can't get it right - either too much water or not enough water.

    I now have the idea of making cordial in my head - such a great idea for the Aussie summer.... whats better then a gin and juice? mmmm gin and homemade cordial :)

    Thanks for sharing, love that you're back! x

    1. Thank you for your comment Dani! You totally made me laugh; pre-christmas detox sauna, Ha! xx

  5. haha look at us commenting on each others blogs like the good old days.
    luckily we don't do christmas because there is no way in the world that i would or could be on track given this is such an insanely busy time of the year on our farm. the only thing i'm on track for tonight is to have a shower and hop into bed. however a slug of cordial in a glass with ice and gin does sound dreamy. xx
